January 2015 Workshop

The Desire Map is not just a book. It’s the flame that sparked a revolution of feeling good and living free.

Are you ready for soul liberation? How about some Goals with Soul? Ready to make some New Years Resolutions that you can stick to?

I’m an official Desire Map Licensee, and in January 2015 I will be hosting an in-person workshop in Los Angeles, CA!

To find out when workshop details are announced, sign up below.

Much Love,


I am a Desire Map Faciliator!


Let’s talk about your life.

Do you feel free? Joyful? Connected?

Most importantly, does your life feel the way you want it to feel?

When I read The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte  http://www.daniellelaporte.com?dlap=10596  for the first time, my life was not feeling the way I wanted it to.

I was… I was stressed out. Frustrated. Disappointed. I took so much action and yet, it rarely produced the wonderful results that I had been envisioning in my head. I’ve been pursuing my dream of becoming a successful actress in LA for several years, and my success has been spotty. I studied my ass off at one of the best acting studios to become super skilled in my craft. I created my own content where I wrote, produced, directed, and starred in my own web series. I went to casting director workshops to develop relationships with people who worked on shows I wanted to be on. I took “the business of acting” workshops. I got all the proper marketing materials. And yet, my resume did not reflect all the work that I put in. [Insert sound of me wailing wells of tears on my pillow].

Sure, I booked things here and there (which felt AMAZING!), but the success didn’t snowball. It was more of hit-or-miss. HOW ANNOYING! The high of being on set and getting paid for what I loved to do was so intoxicating, I thought WOW! I’m totally gonna use this momentum and positive energy to book my next job! And the next, and the next! Of course, that didn’t happen.  I didn’t book the next audition I went on, and I felt terrible. What the hell?! Why didn’t they want me?! I just booked something! I’m the new big thing!  I knew there had to be an answer on how to succeed more efficiently, so I did some soul searching and stumbled across The Desire Map.

The Desire Map was the catalyst for the change I needed.

This book isn’t just intellectual theory. It actually walks you through the process of practically (+ soulfully) creating a life that you actually want to live, connected to people, experiences and things that you actually want to be connected to.

It seems so obvious, right?

Of course! My life should feel good!

But the thing is, so many of us aren’t living that way. We’re fixated on what others think we should do. We’re pushing ourselves to meet someone else’s expectations of The Great Mom, The Successful Businesswoman, The Patient Wife or The Forgiving Friend.

And in all that striving to meet other people’s expectations, a lot of us have lost ourselves. For a while, I did.

The Desire Map snapped me out of it and got me back on my own life track, moving towards a future that feels right for me.

And because of the profound impact desire mapping has had on my life, I want to sing about this work from the rooftops. I want you to have this opportunity to reclaim your life too, which is why…

When I heard that Danielle was creating a Licensing program so that people could teach this material, I was one of the first people waving my arms at the front of the line.

And now…
I am THRILLED to announce that I’m an official Desire Map Licensee (cue the confetti!)!!!

I’m preparing to host my first IN-PERSON workshop in LOS ANGELES in JANUARY of 2015.

If you’d like to join me, email: thealiciaying@gmail.com for more details.
It’s never too late to live a life that feels good. A life that you consciously choose and design, based on your own core desired feelings.

I’d like to help you uncover those feelings so you can start building a life that helps you generate them.


Much Love,