Adventure: Hiking in Malibu

You don’t always have to travel to far away lands in order to have an adventure. Sometimes, a small day trip outside of your city can refuel your energy and clear your mind of the drudgery of your daily rut.

I missed having adventures in Thailand, so I decided to find adventures at home here in California.

For those of you who want to visit, there are some beautiful places to hike where you can see beautiful mountains and the ocean!

My friend Melissa and I woke up at 6am to drive to beautiful Malibu. We got up at 6am and headed out to the Malibu Canyons!

(null)We arrived at the Solstice Canyons and it was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining. There was a light cool breeze. And the air was so fresh and clean. I was ready to start the hike!(null)

We started hiking and immediately I was taken away by how serene and beautiful these hills were. The view even from the bottom of the canyon was breathtaking.  I couldn’t wait to get to the top!







We found a little rock area with a stream running through and decided to traverse it and take some pictures. It was fun to get connected to nature! Butterflies were flitting all around us beckoning us to play with them.(null)(null)

“Are we there yet?” I huffed. Good gracious, this was a work out! At least the scenery was beautiful.
(null)We reached the top and a smile emerged on my face. WOW. I was grinning from ear to ear. THIS is what exploring is all about! Look at that view!!(null)

Check it out! How stunning is this view?!

(null)I had to take a moment and just soak it all in. This was so worth the mile hike uphill!IMG_3003IMG_3036

Melissa and I decided to strike a pose. As dancers, we had to fall into into a lunge and reach our fingers toward the sky!


IMG_3006Afterwards, we went to a cute little Mexican restaurant where we ordered these Chicken Burrito salad bowls. It was delicious! Topped with tons of fresh veggies like broccoli, bell peppers, and zucchini, it was the perfect post-hike meal.

If you ever visit LA, definitely go to Solstice Canyon. It’s definitely a beautiful site to see!

What adventures will you have this week? Comment below!

Much love,
