Success Can Happen at Any Age


Lately, I’ve been hearing quite a few people say that they are getting too old to be pursuing their dreams. I started to question my own journey of fulfilling all the magnanimous dreams in my head. Am I too old? Have I lost my chance? Is it past my prime?

Then I thought: NO! It can’t be! Maybe I haven’t reached A-List red carpet status yet, but goddamn if I am gonna quit now. I have continue to go for it or die trying!

“But WHY?” you might ask me. “Why go through all that disappointment and rejection and get knocked down time and time again?”

My answer: because I can’t imagine how my life would be if I was no longer creating the art that fills my soul with so much joy.

Dream do believe

Listen, I chose a career that has a high risk of failure, where the odds are completely stacked against me, and where there is a massive possibility that I may never “make it”. But whether your dream is to be an Academy Award winning actress or to travel the world or find the love of your life, that dream is VALID and has the chance to come true if thinking about it lights you up with joy. If thinking about your wildest dream still puts a smile on your face, then don’t ever give up on it. Get out there. Take some inspired action. Believe in your heart that — come hell or high water — you’re gonna make it happen.

Too often, we get told that we have to achieve our massive success by the time we are 21. We are inundated with images of these young celebrities achieving all their fame and fortune at such a young age. Here’s the thing: You are not past your prime.


F*ck the lies and false standards that society places upon us. Your dreams CAN come true!


Stop for a moment today and celebrate all that you have achieved thus far. Smell the roses. Notice and take in all the beauty and wonderful gifts that are already in your life. You’ve got a lot going for you. You’ve got what it takes to rise!
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA.
At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job.
At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer.
At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school.
At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare.
At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter.
At age 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker.
At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs.
At age 39, Julia Child released her first cookbook, and got her own cooking show at age 51.
  • Vera Wang failed to make the Olympic figure skating team, didn’t get the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue, and designed her first dress at age 40.
  • Stan Lee didn’t release his first big comic book until he was 40.
  • Alan Rickman gave up his graphic design career to pursue acting at age 42.
  • Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first movie role until he was 46.
  • Morgan Freeman landed his first MAJOR movie role at age 52.
  • Kathryn Bigelow only reached international success when she made “The Hurt Locker” at age 57.
  • Grandma Moses didn’t begin her painting career until age 76.
  • Louise Bourgeois didn’t become a famous artist until she was 78.
IF THEY CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! No matter what age you are or where you are in life, you can make it happen!
Keep fighting. Keep dreaming. Keep believing. And keep your head held high.  Live life on your own terms and by your own rules. F*ck what anyone else thinks. You know deep down in your heart what gifts you were meant to give to the world. So, create them and share them with the world.



You were destined for greatness!
Comment below and tell me what your dreams are! Let’s help support each other on our journeys to greatness!
Mad love,

Things I love: Day 5– Chinese New Year

Ke_Lok_Si_Illuminations_01.JPGI don’t know about you, but I LOVE Chinese New Year. Granted, I’m half-Chinese, so it’s probably in my blood to like this holiday. But that’s not the main reason why I love it.  I love it because it gives me a real chance to clean out all the bad energy from last year and create the beautiful vision of what I want this coming year to bring. Standard New Years on January 1st is always so stressful for me because I’m just finishing up the holidays and haven’t had much time to reflect on what I truly desire for the next year.

This year, Chinese New Year is happening on Monday, February 8. The Chinese base their New Year according to the Lunar moon cycle. They say that the way you start the New Year sets the tone for the rest of the year. So, why not start it off clean and bright and full of energy?

In order to prepare for the new year, here are some Chinese New Year customs that I find very helpful:

  1. Clean the house from top to bottom. Before the new year (in this case, February 8), clean your house from top to bottom. This gets rid of all the bad luck gathered from the previous year.  NOTE: Do not sweep anything for the first few days after the new year! You will be sweeping away all the new luck you are bringing in if you do so!
  2. Settle all unfinished business. Still got bills to pay? Unresolved conflicts with friends? Start off the new year fresh by paying off all your debt, reconciling with friends, and completing tasks at work that have been hanging over your head.
  3. Wash your money and put it nice and neatly back in your wallet. Money bills are actually SUPER dirty. Think about all the places it has been to, all the hands and surfaces it has touched. Gently wash your money in the sink (it is made of cotton after all). Then lay it out to dry. Iron it if you must. Then put it back into your wallet clean and fresh. This will encourage more money to come into your life.
  4. Wear red and gold. Red and gold are very lucky colors for the Chinese. Red symbolizes vitality of life and happiness. Gold symbolizes wealth and prosperity. And who wouldn’t want a little more of that in our life?  I personally don’t have a bunch of red clothes, so I don on some red nail polish, red lipstick, and even a red headband paired with some gold jewelry for luck.
  5. Put your knives away.  It is a Chinese belief that you should not use a knife during the first few days of the New Year because you are “cutting off” all the good luck for the coming year. Because of this, prepare several days worth of meals this weekend to ensure you won’t have to use a knife for the first few days. This is why Chinese people have a huge feast the night before and the day of.
  6. Have a feast. The Chinese New Year’s feast is a huge one that takes many days to prepare.  They want to ensure a bounty of food for the coming weeks as relatives and friends are usually coming by to celebrate. Food is very important to the Chinese as food is a sign of prosperity. The more food you have during Chinese New Year, the more abundance you will have that year. Bring on the food baby!
  7. Buy lots of oranges and tangerines.  Oranges in Chinese sounds like the word “gold, and tangerines in Chinese sounds similar to to the word “luck”.  Therefore, these two fruits have an auspicious meaning to bring in good luck and wealth.  The orange is also a prayer/wish for good fortune. Fresh oranges and tangerines is a symbol of life and a new beginning. Bring them as a gift to any Chinese household and you will be greeted with many smiles and gratitude.
  8. Pay respect to your ancestors. Before any of the celebrations begin, the Chinese will go to temples and pray for good fortune for the upcoming year.  They might as for something specific or just a general request for continual abundance and good luck in their lives.  My mother has an altar in her house specifically for my grandparents (who passed away). She tends to pray there.  You can pray however is comfortable for you. The Chinese believe that their ancestors are always watching over them from above. If you can’t get to a temple or a church, find a quiet place in your home, close your eyes and talk to them. Whether in your mind or out loud, the Chinese believe that your ancestors will hear you and look out for you.

I hope this helps you celebrate the Chinese New Year with me! If nothing else, you will have a super clean house and plenty of food for the next week.

Happy cleaning and happy feasting!

All Love,


A Month of Love: Day 1

In honor of February, the month of love (Thanks Valentine’s Day), I want to share with you something I love each day this month. Things that bring a smile to my face. Things that my heart swell with joy. Things that make my soul soar with the hope and possibilities of love.

Last night FOX aired “Grease: Live”, a musical I was eager to see. To steal USA Today’s review of it, “Grease is the word. And the word is… OK.” I was really excited because I have this love for Aaron Tveit (Broadway star and now tv star on USA’s “Graceland”) . He has this wonderful tone that makes me smile. Such an amazing singer!

Unfortunately, Aaron was AWFUL as Danny Zuko.  As my best friend put it, he was totally a wet noodle! He didn’t have that cool, popular, bad boy that this character needs. He lacked that spunk and youthful exuberance. It was cringe-worthy to watch. He just looked so bored performing. Like he was too bored to even try. Like he was marking the whole thing. I officially had to end my love affair with him (Sorry Aaron). Devastating, I know.

I was thinking about who I’d cast instead of Aaron Tveit, and I immediately thought of Jeremy Jordan. Now, that’s a guy who gives me butterflies every time he sings!  Jeremy is raw, he’s passionate, he’s invested, he’s… every girl’s dream! Or at least this girl’s dream guy. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have Jeremy Jordan sing with me every night…

I first fell in love with Jeremy Jordan when he was staring as Jack Kelly in Broadway’s Disney musical “Newsies.” I scored a front row dead center lottery ticket to the show where I got to see Jeremy perform up close and personal. I cannot even begin to describe how freaking amazing he was! And to top it all off, the chorus was comprised of exceptional dancers from “So You Think You Can Dance.” I mean, Disney songs, super hot boys singing and dancing right in front of me, Alex Wong, Jeremy Jordan… YES PLEASE THANK YOU MORE!!

For those of you who don’t know who he is, here’s a video of him singing. The song is a Kerrigan-Lowdermilk original called “Run Away With Me.” A romantic song sung so beautiful by Jeremy… Yes— I will run away with you any day!

I LOVE this song. And I love Jeremy singing it. Aaron Tveit also does a version of it, but Jeremy’s is better 🙂 I love what this song means and what it stands for. I would love for some guy to sing this song to me. This to me is love in every sense of the word. It’s that CONNECTION, from soul to soul, that to me, indicates true love. Doesn’t every person want that?

Love is… BRIGHT. Love is BOLD. Love is a declaration. Love is eternal. When there is this kind of love that oozes out of Jeremy, what else in the world do you really need?


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Jeremy Jordan singing “Run Away With Me”

What song makes you feel loved? What songs make you swoon? Write them in the comments below.

Run Away with me quote

Write your favorite lyric from your favorite song in the comments below that makes you feel LOVE and I’ll make a graphic for you for free! It’s my way of spreading the love this month.

Here’s to all of us finding that passion and vigor and dancing-on-clouds connection!

All Love,


My New Mantra for 2016

My new mantra and manifesto:


We are all on our own journeys through life, searching for that ultimate happiness and success we all crave. For some, it is the nice house with the family and the dog. For others, it’s to visit every country on the planet and discover all the wonders of the world.  We rise, we fall, we slay dragons, we fall into pits of despair. But through it all, I believe we should all love our journeys because our life is an adventure. So, if you love your adventure because that means you love your life. And if you love your life, that means you love yourself. And if you love yourself, you radiate this magical energy that pulls in all the happiness and success and joyful experiences that you desire. Love your adventure. That is my motivation for this Monday ❤

Share this mantra if you agree!

What is your manifesto? Comment below!

Hugs and Love,



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Bucket List 2016

Happy 2016! Instead of making goals and resolutions, I have decided that this year, I’m making a list of EXPERIENCES and ADVENTURES I want to have. I call it: my 2016 Bucket List!

Don’t know about you, but I’ve always broken my resolutions and forgotten my goals halfway by the end of January, which makes me feel guilty or bad about myself.

Well— it’s time for a change!

One of the things I learned in 2015 was that I created more success for myself when I started listening to my heart. I asked myself how I wanted to feel and started and doing things that made me feel that way.  When I did things that made me FEEL GOOD, you know— those things that giddy smile to my face, success fell into my lap so much faster. And that success was more fulfilling because the success I desired made me feel the way I wanted to feel.  It became much more rewarding to accomplish those goals.

This year I choose to experience more JOY, LOVE, and EXCITEMENT. I am focusing on doing things that make me feel FREE, ENGAGED, and IGNITED. I desire to experience PURE BLISS.

Here’s my 2016 bucket list so far. I’ll be adding to it as I come up with more things.

Bucket List 1Bucket List 2Bucket List 3Bucket List 4Bucket List 5Bucket List 6

If you’d like to bring more excitement and happiness into your life, you can do this too!

Follow these 3 easy steps:


  1. Write down what you want to experience more of in 2016. 
  2. Write down how you want to feel.
  3. Write down experiences that will make you feel that way.

You can add to your Bucket List anytime, so start jotting them down!

I’d love to hear some of your 2016 Bucket List adventures! Comment below and tell me what you desire to experience this year.

Get Your FREE Bucket List Graphic!

OR— If you’re craving a pretty bucket list graphic like mine to stay motivated, I’ll make one for you FOR FREE! It will be my gift to you for this new year.

All you have to do is:

  1. Comment below with: YES! I WANT MY 2016 GRAPHIC!
  2. Share this post.
  3. Email me at: yestotheying dot com with your first name, your 2016 experience, and the way it will make you feel.

Here’s to making all our dreams become a reality this year!

Much Love and Hugs,


20 Ways to Pay it Forward

TGIF! It’s Feel Good Friday!  And it’s also Good Friday. For me, Good Friday has me reflecting on what I can do for others. When shit hits the fan in my own life, it is easy for me to panic and only think about myself. Panicking does no good. For anyone. Luckily, I have the most compassionate friends who talk me off a ledge and help me find solutions to my problems. I have also found it interesting that even in my worst times, being able to focus on helping someone else with their problems always made me feel better. While my problems may be big and real to me, there is always someone else who is much worse off. Taking a moment to listen to their worries and help them out of the darkness inevitably helps me sort out my situation.

No act of kindness no matter how small is wasted. – Aesop

So today, I challenge you to do something to pay it forward. Spread some kindness or encouraging words to someone. One small act of kindness can change a person’s life.

Continue reading

Dante’s View: 5 Steps to Let Go of Your Worries

This weekend I went to Death Valley, California to explore more of the state. I went up to a place called Dante’s View where you stand at the highest point in California and can look down to see the lowest point in California. It took my breath away. The mountains and valleys were so deep and seemed to go on forever.


The view from the top was spectacular and it reminded me to keep life in perspective. I had been worrying about the future so much that I started to lose all creativity and gumption. But standing there looking out into the horizon, I was reminded to take a step back and look at the big picture.



My life was filled with abundance. I had just allowed fear to consume my mind. I started to focus on what I did have, and a smile crept onto my face. I had a nice apartment to live in, great friends, a healthy body, food in my belly, plenty of clean water to drink.  I had the freedom to choose whatever job I wanted, to create my own business, to live a life that I loved with the love of my life by my side. There was coffee in my cup every morning and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Things are pretty good right now. I have so much to be thankful for.  My anxiety left my body as the wind blew my worries away.

IMG_0571_2Life is short. Why bother wasting it worrying about what tomorrow is gonna bring??

1. Do what you can with what you’ve got.

2. Live in the moment. Life happens in the present. Not in the past, and not in the future. Your time is NOW.

3. Have faith that it’s going to turn out all right in the end. Believe. Surrender. There are always going to be bumps in the road and obstacles to overcome. But you have the power to find a solution and climb over any hurdle that comes your way.

4. Focus on what you DO have and what you CAN do. You get what you put your attention on, so think about all the good things you have in your life and the actions you can take. More good things will come to you!

5. Just keep going and do something that you love each and every day. Every step forward, no matter how small will get you to your goals. And if you are doing something you love everyday, your life will be filled with so much more happiness.


Travel not to find yourself,

but to remember who you’ve been all along.


What steps do you take to free yourself from worry and destress? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

If you want more up-to-date pictures of my adventures, follow me on Instagram!

And as always, I am here for you. This is your time. You’ve got this!

Much Love,


#1 Secret of Geniuses

This weekend I went to Disneyland with two good friends of mine. We went to Tomorrowland to watch this band perform. My friends had been raving about the lead singer and said that I would LOVE her. The lead singer was a girl named Tomisina. She was backed by an all-male band. I was skeptical as I sat down to watch her. While I trusted my friends’ opinions, my standard of ‘great’ singing is a bit higher as I’ve been singing my whole life.

The music started. The moment Tomasina opened her mouth, the notes that came out of her mouth filled my ears with joy. THIS GIRL WAS GOOD. I mean REALLY GOOD. She had incredible pitch and range, and best of all, she sang from the heart. Emotion poured through her voice and lit my soul on fire. This girl was an ARTIST!

She sang pop songs like “Shake it off” and “Chandelier”, but she also wailed out Gun ‘N Roses, Led Zeplin, and The Who. This girl was a ROCK GODDESS. She paid homage to the classic way that rock was sung, but she also put her own twist to it that made it her own. It was a genius set.

My friends asked me why she was so good at what she does. It appeared to me that she had mastered the #1 secret of geniuses:


What does that mean? It means that she mastered the techniques of singing and then sang from her soul which brought about a different and unique sound to these classic songs. She followed the structure of the rock songs and then added her own rock flair.

Finding the freedom within the form is what separates the good from the great. You can apply this secret to your travels, your career, and your artistic passion.

Here is how you can find the freedom within the form:
1. Decide what you want to do.
– For travelers: Where do you want to travel? What do you want to accomplish on your trip?
– For your career: Do you want a promotion? Do you want to earn more money?
– For your artistic passion: Do you want to sing? Act? Write? Paint?
2. Master the basics of your craft.
– For travelers: Learn the formalities of the language for the country you are visiting. Learn the customs and the main forms of transportation for that region.
– For your career: Learn everything about your job and what exactly is required of you.      Learn how to do it to the best of your ability. Learn about the company. Learn what it’s purpose and procedures are.
– For your passion: Learn the technique. Learn the mechanics of how it works. Drill it until it becomes second nature to you. Put in the reps.
3. Break the rules. (This is the fun part!)
– For travelers: Now that you know what places to hit and what places to avoid, talk to locals once you arrive and find a local favorite spot to eat at. Take the scenic route to get to your next destination. Go on an adventure that is not written in the guide books. Open yourself up to the possibilities and allow your eyes to open to all the possibilities in front of you. You’ll explore and experience things that are better than you planned!
– For your career: Make yourself useful. Find creative ways to solve problems in other departments. Now that you know the purpose and goals of the company, think outside the box and look for ways to bring more value. The more valuable you are, the more your company will want to hold on to you at any cost.
– For your passion: Dream. Explore. Speak from your heart. Your voice is unique and different from everyone else’s. Let your own voice be heard. Sing the song the way that you feel. Paint with all the colors that you want. Write a novel based on your dreams. Your imagination is limitless. Use it. Breathe and let it flow. Speak from your soul.

Use the form you’ve mastered and expand on it. Make it your own. That’s where the magic happens. Let your imagination take over. Beauty and art will take over. The possibilities are endless!

What do you do to find the freedom within the form? Let me know by writing in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Keep believing in yourself. You’re worth it!

Much Love,

6 Rules for Traveling with a Travel Partner


I love traveling with other people! However, sometimes we all don’t get along. We can get hangry and tired and want to do things our own way. If you are planning to travel with a travel partner (your significant other or your BFF), here are some tips to ensure smooth sailing.

For me, there were a few times on my trip where I butted heads with my travel partner. She is an amazing gal, but we both had completely different ways of planning our trip and how we wanted to experience Thailand. For example, I wanted to get blessed by a monk; she wanted to get tattooed by a monk. I wanted to book hostels in advance; she wanted to see what we could find when we got there. I wanted to have a bit of a structured itinerary; she wanted to see where the wind would take us.

NOTE: neither one of our ways of traveling was better than the other. They were just different. In order to ensure the best possible time for both parties, we had to figure out how to do everything we both wanted to do and still have a good time. At the end of the day, we both wanted the same thing: a life-changing, wonderful experience in Thailand. This was good.

If you find yourself in this situation with your travel buddy as you prepare to galavant across the world, here are some tips to help you eliminate tension and conflict:
1. COMMUNICATE. I cannot stress this enough. Talk it out. Let your partner know what you want to accomplish on the trip and what you’d like to see and do. Talk about your deal breakers, what you must have and what you can live without. For example, if staying at a place with wifi is super important for you because you will be blogging or doing business on the road, let your partner know this so you can both find a hostel/hotel you’re both happy with.
2. COMPROMISE. Be flexible. Give a little. You’re traveling with someone you love and you want them to have a good time too! For example, if you are dead set on planning ahead (like me), but your partner is adamant on doing things in the spur of the moment, maybe suggest to plan the first half of the trip and then let the wind take you both wherever it may blow for the second half.
3. DESIGNATE DUTIES. The worst thing you can possibly do is assume that your travel partner is going to be able to read your mind. If you are a planner like me, an easy trap to fall into is to do all the reservations and booking travel tickets yourself. Make it easier on yourself by designating duties to each person. For example, maybe you are in charge of booking all the hotels and your partner is in charge of booking all the travel tickets. Play to each other’s strengths. If your partner is great at seeking out excursions and adventures to go on, give her a list of the activities you’d like to do so she can seek out where it can be done.
4. FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS. Inevitably, plans are going to change. Weather is going to alter your course. You may get into a squabble. It happens. And it’s okay! You have a limited time that you are out on the road, so don’t waste it being in a fight. Instead of playing the blame game, find a solution for the problem at hand. For example, if you want to see a local band play, but your partner refuses to go and wants to hit the club, maybe agree for you two to go do your own separate thing that evening. Agree to meet up the next morning for breakfast or designate a place to meet up after you both are finished doing your separate activity. But find a solution that will make both of you happy. Again, your purpose is to have a wonderful trip with your travel partner. There is always a way for you both to experience what you want to experience!
5. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. Eat enough protein. Drink plenty of water. Get your sleep when you need it. I don’t know about you, but when I am sleep-deprived and hungry, I never make the best decisions. I am cranky and irritable and my fuse is short. Prevent outbursts by taking care of yourself and also letting your partner know that you need food or a quick nap. Not only will your partner thank you for not chewing their head off, but you’ll also have more energy to enjoy all the exciting sights and adventures around you.
6. LEARN FROM EACH OTHER. You may know your travel partner really well, but maybe there is even more that you can learn from them. Traveling brings out a whole new wonderful side of a person, and who knows? Maybe you will learn something new about yourself! Experience together, learn together, grow together. Traveling will enrich both of your lives if you share your experiences and realizations with each other. Show that love and compassion to your partner and you will get it in return.

I hope this helps you along your journey! Do you have any tips when traveling with someone? I’d love to hear them below.

If you want more tips on traveling and discovering yourself, please subscribe to my newsletter! Dream big. Travel far. This is your time to live the life you love.


Top 10 Bucket List Ideas

TGIF! It’s Feel Good Friday!

And what better way to feel good than to see if I can check off anything on my bucket list this weekend. Or at least start planning for it 🙂

Any time I feel uninspired, I go to Pinterest and find things to add to my Bucket List. Here are my Top 10 Bucket List Ideas that I want to accomplish this year:

swim with mermaid tail1. Swim with a mermaid tail on. I’ve always loved “The Little Mermaid” and have always wanted to be Ariel. There’s a yoga retreat in Bali where you can do this!! Check it out here:

68beba575d5090afc9432b54fed02b0b 2. Watch the sunset in Santorini, Greece. I am OBSESSED with Greek mythology and would die to go to Greece to stand where the legends began. My favorite Greek God is Athena. Who is your favorite?

a48a08e418ece28c8092bb448bcb5ecb 3. Write and publish a book. When traveling, you experience so many exciting and moving things! I want to write and publish my own book of stories from my adventures. Riding elephants, finding true love, discovering true inner beauty… what’s your favorite story?floating lantern 4. Let go of a Floating Lantern in Thailand. Okay, so I already did this, (story here) BUT– I would really like to go to The Floating Lantern Festival and release a lantern with thousands of other people! If I can’t make it back to Thailand, I am planning on doing it here in the States. Want to come with me to the RISE festival? Click here for more details!6b7cffe89f891d5e31c9d1ce1a046503 5. Travel the World with Someone I Love. I am all about solo travel, but I am also all about traveling with people that I love. What better way to explore the world than with someone dear that you can share all those experiences with? For me, it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s who you are with ❤08f737c60848cef193daadab3ac93a55 6. Go Lavender Picking. Lavender is my FAVORITE scent! I am dying to go to a lavender farm in France and pick my own batch of lavender. Calming and peaceful, lavender soothes my soul. Plus, purple is my favorite color. I want to have a photo shoot in those beautiful purple fields!0d0579e2fa0b33a6a3b2a8d975ea5fd5 7. Stay in an overwater bungalow. I tried to find one of these in Thailand, but alas, they were nowhere to be found! Turns out they are more prominent in Fiji, Bora Bora, and the Maldives. I must book a ticket to one of those islands then! Who wants to go with me?2d839b992a79df4522c5609adf4e43ed8. Learn to Shoot a Gun. Who doesn’t want to be a badass superhero?! I really want to play one of those tough chicks fighting crime and putting the bad guys away.8e7b6de405cfd77b7fbb204426bdc735 9. Ride in a helicopter. Even though I am terrified of heights, I would love to see the world from an aerial view like this!8a420706f6f838f488b797b5ef3dd603 10. Do an Infinity Sign with a Friend. How cute of a picture is this?! Now all I have to do is convince one of my flexible girl friends to come to the beach and make this happen. Friends forever!

2e1fcec97ffe41cca54c0e150aa467e8BONUS: 11. Go on a Disney Date. I’m a Disney Princess at heart and love Disneyland. It’s the Happiest Place on Earth! Living in SoCal, I know I can make this happen! Who wants to be my Prince for the day?

For more of my bucket list, follow my Pinterest Bucket List board!

What things are on your bucket list? Comment below. I’d love to hear your dreams and desires!

Much Love,
