Things I love: Day 4– Thailand

If you haven’t read my blog before, I had the most incredible life-changing trip when I last went to Thailand.  I re-connected with my dad who I hadn’t seen in 20 years, I met a soulmate, forged life long friendships with the most amazing individuals, had the craziest adventures, and re-discovered who I truly am.

Thailand is a magical place, and if you haven’t been before, you should definitely think about going!

Here is my Top 10 list on why I love Thailand:

  1. The Food. Thai food is amazing! It’s SPICY, SAVORY, CREAMY, TANGY, and full of deliciousness. Best of all, many Thai dishes can even be catered to vegans and vegetarians with ease.  Craving a Panang Curry, but don’t eat meat? No problem! Ask for tofu as your protein choice instead. Easy pea-sy! Also, the fruits are so exotic, it’s almost impossible not to indulge. Mango sticky rice is my favorite dessert served with sweet coconut milk. Who doesn’t want to finish off a meal with that?! To read more about my 5 favorite Thai dishes, check out my other post here10858544_10205269076910990_5319257188348873740_n10731162_10205213009709345_528812609133141281_n
  2. The Culture. This is the country of Smiles. That is what it’s known for. Politeness. Courtesy. Respect. Peace. How can you not fall in love with a culture based on peace and harmony?
  3. The Temples. Regardless of whether you are Buddhist or religious at all, the architecture is awe-inspiring enough to send you into a blissful state of wonder. Golden Buddha statues. Intricate carvings and decorations. Buddhist temples are definitely ones to enjoy.10367590_10205243838080035_1347638053614147921_n
  4. The People. Most Thai people you encounter are super sweet. If you grant them a little bit of kindness, you will receive tenfold in return.  Smiling and saying thank you goes a long way and they will help you out as much as they can.10849836_10205330958377988_6902146014230299172_n
  5. The Beaches. They are PARADISE. Whether you are looking for a full moon party or a quiet sanctuary, Thai beaches have you covered. The water is really clear and with the jungle as a background, it’s hard not to want to stay here forever.10415623_10205289505701697_6752849051929823119_n
  6. The Art. Amazing artists in Thailand! From painters who paint from photos to those who draw exotic animals that look incredibly lifelike, this is definitely a place to snag an art piece to hang on your walls at home.
  7. The Jungle. Want an adventure in the jungle? You can experience many in Thailand.  From zip lining to swimming in waterfalls to interacting with wildlife, Thailand has it all. Their lush vegetation allow for gorgeous backdrops to hike through and create your own wild journey and memories.
  8. The Wildlife. Elephants and tigers and monkeys— OH MY!  So many beautiful animals to see and touch and interact with. Be forewarned: some of these animals are mistreated, so do your research and find preservations that treat the animals humanely before throwing down money to take that picture with a ferocious tiger. 10403656_10205317402679104_1085949070674891878_n10407887_10205238767233267_950817956237493750_n
  9. The Clothing. Silky. Elegant. And CHEAP! You can find a wide assortment of Thai fashion that will have your friends envying your wardrobe the next time you go out! From elephant pants to silk robes, pack only half your suitcase so you have plenty of room to take home these treasures!10676179_10205245437240013_7583319363085423265_n
  10. The Massages. Thai massages are THE BEST!! Not only do they relax and re-align your body to pure bliss, but they are so cheap! About $8 will get you a one-hour incredible massage. If you get addicted to them, you can always learn to become a Thai masseuse yourself.63474_10205262386103724_5265934465713712319_n

What have you seen about Thailand that you’d like to experience? I’d love to hear in the comments below. Or if you’ve been, what was your favorite thing about traveling there?

Lots of Love,
