Bucket List 2016

Happy 2016! Instead of making goals and resolutions, I have decided that this year, I’m making a list of EXPERIENCES and ADVENTURES I want to have. I call it: my 2016 Bucket List!

Don’t know about you, but I’ve always broken my resolutions and forgotten my goals halfway by the end of January, which makes me feel guilty or bad about myself.

Well— it’s time for a change!

One of the things I learned in 2015 was that I created more success for myself when I started listening to my heart. I asked myself how I wanted to feel and started and doing things that made me feel that way.  When I did things that made me FEEL GOOD, you know— those things that giddy smile to my face, success fell into my lap so much faster. And that success was more fulfilling because the success I desired made me feel the way I wanted to feel.  It became much more rewarding to accomplish those goals.

This year I choose to experience more JOY, LOVE, and EXCITEMENT. I am focusing on doing things that make me feel FREE, ENGAGED, and IGNITED. I desire to experience PURE BLISS.

Here’s my 2016 bucket list so far. I’ll be adding to it as I come up with more things.

Bucket List 1Bucket List 2Bucket List 3Bucket List 4Bucket List 5Bucket List 6

If you’d like to bring more excitement and happiness into your life, you can do this too!

Follow these 3 easy steps:


  1. Write down what you want to experience more of in 2016. 
  2. Write down how you want to feel.
  3. Write down experiences that will make you feel that way.

You can add to your Bucket List anytime, so start jotting them down!

I’d love to hear some of your 2016 Bucket List adventures! Comment below and tell me what you desire to experience this year.

Get Your FREE Bucket List Graphic!

OR— If you’re craving a pretty bucket list graphic like mine to stay motivated, I’ll make one for you FOR FREE! It will be my gift to you for this new year.

All you have to do is:

  1. Comment below with: YES! I WANT MY 2016 GRAPHIC!
  2. Share this post.
  3. Email me at: yestotheying dot com with your first name, your 2016 experience, and the way it will make you feel.

Here’s to making all our dreams become a reality this year!

Much Love and Hugs,


Top 10 Bucket List Ideas

TGIF! It’s Feel Good Friday!

And what better way to feel good than to see if I can check off anything on my bucket list this weekend. Or at least start planning for it 🙂

Any time I feel uninspired, I go to Pinterest and find things to add to my Bucket List. Here are my Top 10 Bucket List Ideas that I want to accomplish this year:

swim with mermaid tail1. Swim with a mermaid tail on. I’ve always loved “The Little Mermaid” and have always wanted to be Ariel. There’s a yoga retreat in Bali where you can do this!! Check it out here: TeekiDreams.com

68beba575d5090afc9432b54fed02b0b 2. Watch the sunset in Santorini, Greece. I am OBSESSED with Greek mythology and would die to go to Greece to stand where the legends began. My favorite Greek God is Athena. Who is your favorite?

a48a08e418ece28c8092bb448bcb5ecb 3. Write and publish a book. When traveling, you experience so many exciting and moving things! I want to write and publish my own book of stories from my adventures. Riding elephants, finding true love, discovering true inner beauty… what’s your favorite story?floating lantern 4. Let go of a Floating Lantern in Thailand. Okay, so I already did this, (story here) BUT– I would really like to go to The Floating Lantern Festival and release a lantern with thousands of other people! If I can’t make it back to Thailand, I am planning on doing it here in the States. Want to come with me to the RISE festival? Click here for more details!6b7cffe89f891d5e31c9d1ce1a046503 5. Travel the World with Someone I Love. I am all about solo travel, but I am also all about traveling with people that I love. What better way to explore the world than with someone dear that you can share all those experiences with? For me, it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s who you are with ❤08f737c60848cef193daadab3ac93a55 6. Go Lavender Picking. Lavender is my FAVORITE scent! I am dying to go to a lavender farm in France and pick my own batch of lavender. Calming and peaceful, lavender soothes my soul. Plus, purple is my favorite color. I want to have a photo shoot in those beautiful purple fields!0d0579e2fa0b33a6a3b2a8d975ea5fd5 7. Stay in an overwater bungalow. I tried to find one of these in Thailand, but alas, they were nowhere to be found! Turns out they are more prominent in Fiji, Bora Bora, and the Maldives. I must book a ticket to one of those islands then! Who wants to go with me?2d839b992a79df4522c5609adf4e43ed8. Learn to Shoot a Gun. Who doesn’t want to be a badass superhero?! I really want to play one of those tough chicks fighting crime and putting the bad guys away.8e7b6de405cfd77b7fbb204426bdc735 9. Ride in a helicopter. Even though I am terrified of heights, I would love to see the world from an aerial view like this!8a420706f6f838f488b797b5ef3dd603 10. Do an Infinity Sign with a Friend. How cute of a picture is this?! Now all I have to do is convince one of my flexible girl friends to come to the beach and make this happen. Friends forever!

2e1fcec97ffe41cca54c0e150aa467e8BONUS: 11. Go on a Disney Date. I’m a Disney Princess at heart and love Disneyland. It’s the Happiest Place on Earth! Living in SoCal, I know I can make this happen! Who wants to be my Prince for the day?

For more of my bucket list, follow my Pinterest Bucket List board!

What things are on your bucket list? Comment below. I’d love to hear your dreams and desires!

Much Love,
