Vegan Raspberry Ice Cream



Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Oh my god, do I love ice cream! I was craving some of that creamy cold goodness last night, so I opened my freezer to see what I could concoct.

To my joy, I found some frozen raspberries and frozen bananas (TIP: they keep in the freezer for up to 6 months!). I looked in my pantry and found some coconut cream. All the ingredients necessary to make a delicious vegan ice cream!


I threw the ingredients in my blender and about 1 minute later: VOILA! RASPBERRY ICE CREAM!



I did add one packet of Truvia to sweeten it, but damn– this came out so well! Rich, creamy, and full of flavor. I’m gonna have to make some more with some chocolate nibs blended in. It quenched my thirst for ice cream and was the easiest thing to make. Try and and let me know how it goes in the comment box below.

Happy and Healthy Eating!







Serves 2-4


1 cup frozen raspberries

2-3 frozen ripe bananas

1/3 can coconut cream

1 packet Truvia (optional)


1. Place all items in your blender and blend. Add coconut cream as needed to make into a creamy consistency.

2. Serve and enjoy!