Things I love: Day 3— Travel Quote

There’s nothing I love better than getting inspiration from amazing writers. Whether it’s seeing a quote on Pinterest or spotting one scrolling on Instagram, great quotes always get that fire going in my belly. They re-awaken my dreams and my yearning to travel to a new destination or to experience something new.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes from author Jack Kerouac:

Climb that mountain

YOLO. Carpe Diem. No day but today.  I am feeling the urge to book my next plane ticket now!  Where do you want to go next?

All Love,


My New Mantra for 2016

My new mantra and manifesto:


We are all on our own journeys through life, searching for that ultimate happiness and success we all crave. For some, it is the nice house with the family and the dog. For others, it’s to visit every country on the planet and discover all the wonders of the world.  We rise, we fall, we slay dragons, we fall into pits of despair. But through it all, I believe we should all love our journeys because our life is an adventure. So, if you love your adventure because that means you love your life. And if you love your life, that means you love yourself. And if you love yourself, you radiate this magical energy that pulls in all the happiness and success and joyful experiences that you desire. Love your adventure. That is my motivation for this Monday ❤

Share this mantra if you agree!

What is your manifesto? Comment below!

Hugs and Love,



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Quote- All You Need is Love


I was having a rough day (Mercury is in retrograde AND the moon is being all weird with this eclipse and another one coming up this month!), and my friend sent this to me. It immediately turned up the corners of my mouth into a smile.  Love is all anyone really needs. And a tiara is definitely nice. Aaand the cookie doesn’t ever hurt hehe 😀 Despite all the chaos and turmoil, my life is not so bad. Especially now that I have a cookie in my hand!

Rock the love, baby. Rock. The. Love.




Quote- Your First Instinct

This is one of my favorite quotes of the week! Whenever you’re in doubt or whenever you’re having a hard time making a decision, always remember:


Trust your gut. Deep down, you know what is the best thing for yourself.


3 simple ways to achieve your goals


Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you need to do in order to get what you want. For example, today is my moms birthday (Happy Birthday, Mom!!). However, she had no clue as to where she wanted to go for her birthday dinner.

1. Identify what it is you want.
My mom said, “I want to go out for dinner, but I have no idea where!” So, I asked her, “What kind of food do you want to eat?” After a few hemming and hawing, she finally decided, “I want Italian food! But what’s a good Italian restaurant? The Olive Garden?”

2. Make a plan to get what you want.
I am not letting my mom have her birthday dinner at The Olive Garden. So, I suggested, “Why don’t we check online to see what the best Italian restaurants are in Atlanta.” We did some research, checked out reviews on yelp and found an Italian restaurant in her neighborhood with great menu items at good prices and raving reviews. We made a reservation for tonight.

3. Believe that you are going to get what you want.
I feel like this is the biggest mistake that most people make. They know what they want,they know how to get what they want, but they don’t have the right attitude to get what they want. Now, when I told my mom we should do research, she was very hesitant. “Researching online is so hard! I’m never gonna find anything!” She tried to research on her own, but after 30 minutes of looking she found nothing that interested her. So I offered to do it for her. With a positive attitude and knowing that I could find something online, I found the perfect restaurant for her in 15 minutes. This is clearly a light example, but I truly believe that if you set your mind to something and believe that you truly can achieve it, that’s all the inspiration and motivation you need in order to get what you want. If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it. Attitude is everything.

In short, attitude + application = getting anything you want.

I wanted my mom to have a special birthday dinner tonight. And now she’s going to! Happy birthday, Mom! I love you!

Monday Mantra: Feed Your Soul


It’s Monday Morning, and it’s gloomy outside. Ugh. I needed a little motivation to get out of bed this morning and I found this quote:  “Whatever’s good for your soul… do that.” Reading it made me smile ❤

What’s good for your soul? For me, it’s: eating a protein-packed breakfast, going for a long walk with my dog, putting on clothes that make me feel beautiful, adorning my feet with the brand-new pumps I purchased this weekend, making eye contact with the person I’m talking to, putting a smile on someone else’s face, wearing red lipstick, giving a friend a hug, writing in my journal.  There are countless other things. The more I think about it, the more I realize how many good things await me today.

What things are good for your soul? What makes you smile? Today, try to do at least one of those things. Who knows? You may be smiling a lot more.

How to Feel Fabulous



I love this quote! Often times, I find that I am doing things that don’t make me happy or buying something that I honestly don’t really love. Why do it then??

feel fabulous

Ask yourself these questions to feel more fabulous:

1. Does hanging out with this person make me happy and good about myself? If the answer is yes, then great! If the answer is “eh…” or “not really,” then DON’T DO IT! Life is short, hang out with those people who love you and lift you higher.

2. Does this piece of clothing/accessory make me feel like a million bucks? Do I “the amount on the price tag” love it? If the answer is yes to both questions, then get it! If the answer is no to either one, then DON’T BUY IT. We end up only pulling 20% of our wardrobe out most of the time, so stop filling it with things that you kind of like and start filling it with things that you LOVE. You’ll feel more confident and beautiful when YOU love the things you wear.

3. Is this item useful in my everyday life? Is it a necessity for me to have? Does it bring happiness and joy into my life? If the answers are yes, then keep it. If the answer is no, then get rid of it! I’m a super sentimental person and often hold on to a lot of old cards, clothes, and gifts as mementos. Some of these items do bring me joy, but if that t-shirt or birthday card has been sitting in the back of a drawer for a year and you haven’t touched it, let it go. When we clean out our space, we make room for more good things to come into our life.