
Hi there and welcome!

My name is Alicia Ying and I live in lovely Los Angeles.

I started this travel and lifestyle blog because I had the most life-changing experience when I went to Thailand. During my month long adventure there, I rediscovered who I truly was, found my inner beauty, and met the most amazing people who became my life-long friends. I had countless of epic adventures, and even fell in love. Traveling allowed me to discover what truly made me happy and my purpose in life.

This blog is to share my experiences with you. It opened up my eyes to a whole new perspective on life, which in turn opened up my heart and my soul.I have caught the wanderlust bug and desire to discover more of the world. The more I said YES to me, the happier I became.

My mission is to inspire you to travel to your dream destination and ignite even more love and excitement and adventure into your life!  Break the mold. Step out of the matrix. Take a leap of faith. And begin your adventure!

Become the hero of your own story. Discover your purpose. And love your adventure. “Yes to the Ying” means saying YES to YOU.

Much Love,



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8 thoughts on “About

  1. Well I like to read more on travel as each person has their own style or way/plan when it comes to travel. The other is, one see and tells of a place which may differ from another person who also visit the same place. Dun you think so?

    mmmm…. what others? Well, I like to read other thought about events that they encountered or faced and how they dealt with it. It could be a positive or negative but at the end of the day, it is still one thoughts and action. It is more like sharing. =)


    • I love your perspective! Yes, it’s fascinating to read about other people experiences when they traveled. It’s great to share. Everyone has a story. I personally love hearing about them. Your travel posts are great btw!


      • Thanks!! Well it took a while to get my travel blog moving. In fact, I started a few times (some which just lasted like a few mths and died) at the beginning because I couldn’t find my own style. As I slowly wrote more and more (and with more passion), I found my ‘own way’ to share my travel with my readers which is to let them see with my ‘e-eyes’ yet in a simple and fun way. Guess, you also have your own style which you want to put yr readers into. … mmm more like movie series. =)


      • You totally get me!! I am dying to shoot a movie series of all my travels and the stories I discovered along the way. What has been your favorite place you have traveled to?


      • That’s would be nice. Can’t wait to see you movie series on your travel. My fav place I hv travel so far…hmmm I would be NZ; South Island to be more exact. Love the scenery there. A place one must visit in their lifetime. =)


  2. I’m definitely going to have to travel to NZ the next time I’m over on that side of the world. Can’t wait! How long were you there for? And what would you like to see on a travel show/movie?


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