Day 2- Things I love: Traveling

TRAVELING. I love to travel! Why? Because it’s exciting and fun! There’s a whole world to discover and the thrill of meeting someone new, having enchanting experiences, and learning new skills is… priceless. It’s hard to not love traveling, am I right?!

For me, it’s always about the EXPERIENCE and how it makes me FEEL.  There are some places that make me feel totally at home, like my heart has found its place in the world. There are other places that stretch me beyond my comfort zone and challenge me to take new risks.  Each city has its own energy, its own vibration, which will make you feel a different way.  I find that each journey I take is due to an experience I want to have. When I went to France, I wanted to experience elegance. When I went to Spain, I craved an adventure. When I went to Thailand, I wanted to experience love and rediscover myself.

Here are my Top 10 Favorite places I’ve been to:

  1. CHIANG MAI, THAILAND. I experienced love like never before. Met a soulmate who opened my heart again. The rustic charm of this city was impossible not to fall in love with!
  2. AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE. I found true love in this little town. Met my first boyfriend here. Learned how to speak French in a study abroad program, found my inner beauty, felt the true meaning of romance.
  3. NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. This is where my heart lives. I will always consider New York my home. This place makes me come alive! The music, the art, the straight-up no-nonsense people, the fashion, the drive… NYC made me flourish and thrive.
  4. WAIKIKI, HAWAII. Hawaii is paradise. The beaches, the food, the tropical air. I could definitely live here for a while.  It’s a place where I can dream and feel free. Not a care in the world. I mean, how can you be stressed when you are in paradise?! OOH— plus, Hawaii has THE BEST COFFEE in the world! Kona coffee (100% Kona) is my favorite by far! And I’m a huge coffee snob. I’m telling you: it’s heaven!
  5. KOH TAO, THAILAND. Interestingly enough, aside from the beauty and perfect weather on this island, I actually experienced and gained a lot of friendship from this magical place.  Lifetime bonds were formed with other travelers I had met and really fun times were had because of them. We even had our own mini floating lantern ceremony on our last night together. It was so magical and full of wonder and love. Super grateful for all the gifts that this place brought me. Plus, you can become a certified scuba diver for super cheap!
  6. BONAIRE, CARIBBEAN. This island challenged me to face my fears. I am terrified of heights and went cliff jumping with my friends. It was disastrous because the first time I fell on my hip and bruised it badly. But my friend forced me to go two more times to overcome the fear of hurting myself. And I did it. Scariest thing ever, but what an adrenaline rush!
  7. BARCELONA, SPAIN. Who doesn’t love hot chocolate and churros for breakfast?? I found new experiences here. I have always loved the Spanish culture. It was experiencing a whole new world, a whole new way of being where family, loyalty, and friendships came first. And a love for siestas. I love taking naps!
  8. FLORENCE, ITALY. I loved all of Italy, but Florence captured my heart. Something about the quaint city plucked at my heart strings. I could live there. It was simple, yet filled with an air of pure love. And the food was to die for! Who knew you could eat that much pasta and cheese and still lose weight?!
  9. HONG KONG, HONG KONG. Talk about a bustling city! With so much great food and culture, it is hard not to feel the vibrancy and ancient history this place has to offer.
  10. DISNEYWORLD, FLORIDA. Okay, so maybe Disneyworld isn’t technically a city, BUT it is it’s own world and it’s by far my favorite. It’s the happiest place on earth! I don’t know how Disney does it, but I always feel so happy and full of life and have so much fun every time I go there.

What are your favorite places that you’ve been to? And what did you experience there? I’d love to hear!

Sending you lots of love,


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